Can a Forced Smile Change Mood and Emotion?

The answer, "absolutely yes!"
Results may be short lived, but there are measurable changes in mood and emotion when you smile, frown, or scowl.
4 Easy Actions to Improve Emotional Wellbeing
This episode summarizes study findings and offers three easy actions to improve your emotional wellbeing.
They are:
They are:
- Take periodic breaks throughout the day. Stop what you’re doing, sit or stand comfortably, and take take three comfortable breaths as you yawn, sigh, and stretch.
- Smile! Smile whether you feel like smiling or not. Hold the smile for at least 15 to 20 seconds or more.
- Say the word, “Peace” and allow the vibration of the word to flow through your body as you smile.
- Again, breathe comfortably as you yawn, sigh, and stretch and smile again before returning to your activities.
For more Stress Mastery methods visit the, “Mind Over Stress Show” website at
Here are study related links:
"The Key to Happiness? Just Smile Study Suggests";
"A Meta-analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial feedback on emotional experience are small and variable";