We are always asking questions. Sometimes the questions are conscious, but usually they aren’t.
The key question that is always in play with the subconscious mind is, “What does this mean for me?”.
A second related question always in play when considering two or more options is, “What’s in it for me?”.
When it comes to choosing among options, your brain is always tuned to WII-FM.
The Problem With These Two Questions
These two questions are primary drivers of emotions and frequently of behavior. The problem is we’re seldom aware that these two questions are the sole directors of our conscious thoughts, our emotions, and frequently our behavior.
Positive Questions Create Positive Outcomes
I suggest trying this experiment: set an alarm on your smartphone, schedule a short break on your calendar, or otherwise create notifications every two hours or so throughout your day. Each time the alarm is activated, use it as a reminder to ask yourself a positive question designed to change your mood, your thoughts, and your actions.
Examples of positive questions are:
- "What am I grateful for in this moment?"
- "Is there someone around me who needs cheering up? What honest complement or words of encouragement can I share with that person?"
- "Have I told someone I care about today how much I appreciate them? I’ll call them now to tell them."
- "Am I doing my best work on this project? How can I add value to this project, an upcoming meeting, or otherwise improve the experience and outcome for everyone?"
- "Have I smiled enough today?"
- "Have I taken one or two minutes to stretch, breathe deeply, take a short walk, or otherwise do something physical to lower my stress?"
- "Have I acknowledged at least one thing I’ve done well today and told myself, ‘Well done!’?"
You Can Change the World One Question at a Time
Consciously choosing to ask positive questions changes your thoughts, your feelings, and frequently your behaviors. Equally important, positive questions create a field of positive energy for everyone around you.
Each positive question you ask results in our world being a happier and more productive place.
Why not have a go at being a world changer today?
P.S. In January, you can join us for the no cost, "Question Your Way to Abundance" webinar.
Visit http://www.eft-md.com/education-resource.html, sign up for the Stress Mastery newsletter, and you'll be notified later in December about the free January event.
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