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The Show Notes to include timestamps for topics covered in this, "Mind Over Stress" episode are below.
How Dr. Lynch Healed Multiple Sclerosis
In this interview with Dr. Terry Lynch you’ll discover how she transformed her life and healed Multiple Sclerosis with affirmations and energy healing methods.
Dr. Lynch has been a healing professional for more than 30 years. She holds Doctorate and Bachelor degrees in Physical Therapy, a Masters in Health Sciences, and an alternative Graduate Degree in Advanced Massage..
Terry was an Assistant Professor for about 10 years with the medical school at the University of Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York. She is licensed to practice Physical Therapy in New Jersey and New York.
In addition to her medical degrees and professional experience, Terry is an international speaker, a consummate Energist, Author, Coach, and Trainer.
She holds certifications as an EFT Master Practitioner, EmoTrance / EMO Practitioner, and uses Reiki, Matrix Energetics and other holistic methods. She created the Inner Awareness Method and a proprietary coaching system to help clients achieve optimum wellbeing and professional success through her Healing to Wellness, LLC practice.
Key Points of Terry’s Interview
You’ll find timestamps below for key points in the interview. After listening to the entire conversation, you can return to specific topics of interest by going to the appropriate timestamps:
03:23 What drew Terry to Physical Therapy.
06:48: Terry is diagnosed with M.S. and talks about the stress that contributed to the condition.
09:52: Terry’s emotional reaction when she heard the M.S. diagnosis.
10:40: Terry discovers the book, “You Can Heal Your Life”, by Louise Hay.
12:52: How Terry’s earlier exposure to Nightingale Conant audios, Brian Tracy and his coaching program, Tony Robins, and other motivational speakers helped with her healing affirmations work.
14:10: The “one thing” that was crucial to changing her life.
16:10: How Terry did affirmations early on.
19:20: The differences between Thinking Patterns “A” and “B”.
20:35: Terry stops traditional medical treatment. How and why.
24:40: How having a disease can serve you.
25:27: Suggestions for someone dealing with M.S. or other serious condition.
30:40: Other holistic methods Terry discovered, developed, and applied.
32:00: Why she wrote, “The StressFish Guide to EmoTrance” available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
32:30: Terry leads Steve through an EmoTrance experience.
38:00: An example of how Terry used EmoTrance to clear a persistent energy block.
40:10: Steve shares his assessment of Terry’s, “StressFish Guide to EmoTrance”, and Terry shares some specific topics in the book.
41:40: Terry shares her two most important realizations about healing.
43:20: How to use EmoTrance and EFT together.
46:20: Life on the Positive side of the SUE (Subject Units of Experience) Scale.
47:45: Dream Building Coaching: Excelling in athletics, health, emotional wellbeing, professional success, and life.
49:10: Creating “Leopard” energy to enter, “the zone”.
50:35: Terry shares information about her Inner Awareness Method.
53:40: Terry shares information about her website, www.TerryLynchCoaching.com and the special gifts she’s offering listeners.
55:40: The one thing Terry wants listeners to know about her beliefs and mission.
Terry’s website: www.TerryLynchCoaching.com.
Terry’s book: “The StressFish Guide to EmoTrance”; https://amzn.to/2CMjsuJ
Mind Over Stress website: www.MindOverStress.us
The SUE Scale resource: https://suescale.com/
Stephen Carter
Stress Solutions, LLC | www.EFT-MD.com | Mind Over Stress Podcast: http://MindOverStress.us