
Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Solve the Big Meditation Problem

There are thousands of scientific research studies validating the benefits meditation can have on physical, emotional, and mental well-being. 

We all know we should be meditating, but life happens. Despite our best intentions, the actual doing gets hijacked by busy mornings, crying children, and hectic schedules. After missing one day and then another, our resolve dissolves and our meditation practice stops entirely.

There's an App for That

To paraphrase a term associated with cell phones and computers, "there's an app for that". In this case, "app" stands for applying Passive Breath Meditation (PBM) during your busy day. 

PBM allows you to solve the "No time for meditation" problem is a simple, elegant way that will have you back on the meditation wagon for good. Your Body - Mind - Spirit will say, "Thank you" in many beautiful, well-being enhancing ways.

Here's the 5-minute micro-training video.


Blessings and light,

Steve Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC | 

P.S. To be notified of other upcoming holistic health, stress mastery, and emotional well-being webinars and videos, visit and look on the lower right of the page for the "Join Our Energy and Holistic Healing Family" sign-up.

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