
Monday, April 10, 2017

Learn to Easily Experience Positive Emotional States

A few days ago I created a video based on a live presentation done in March. The video's title, "Positive EFT and Beyond..." covers a trifecta of three simple methods to achieve positive emotional states of your choice. 

Those three methods are:

- Positive EFT;
- Power Posing; and,
- Anchoring.

This video is short on theory and long on how to actually do and use these three methods.

You'll find the 34-minute instructional guide below.

Blessings and light,

Steve Carter

Stress Solutions, LLC | 

P.S. To be notified of other upcoming holistic health, stress mastery, and emotional well-being webinars and videos, visit and look on the lower right of the page for the "Join Our Energy and Holistic Healing Family" sign-up.

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